work with me

Hi friend. I am Presley.

I’m a hugger. I love connecting and deep, genuine conversation. Sunshine is one of my favorite things. I run out of iPhone storage regularly because I take so many photos of my kids. I love Jesus wholeheartedly. I’m unafraid of being silly, especially for and with my kids. (It happens daily)

I believe pregnancy, labor and birth are sacred, beautiful, raw, hard and the thinnest veil between heaven and earth.

I partner with expecting mamas and families in Memphis, TN and surrounding areas. Coming from Michigan, my husband and I have called this place home for a year now. We have two little boys that light up our home with noise, curiosity, love and kindness. I definitely join in on the imagination, dance parties, fort building and welcome messes if they help in the kitchen. 

Being a mom is in bones. It’s apart of who I am and always has been. 

My second birth is actually what brings me to doula work. I was joined by birth workers that surrounded me with intentionality, comfort and safety. Such safety that reflected in the way my body trusted who was around me and allowed my labor and son’s birth to unfold exactly as it should. My son was OP (face up) and presented with shoulder dystocia. The night could have ended very differently as he was born not breathing, limp and with a true knot in his cord. 

But the birth workers around me… My midwife… 

She was confident and calm and moved with urgency, yet still I felt comforted by her. This is how important it is to have the right people surrounding you during such an intimate moment. He began breathing a minute later after her quick actions, oxygen (and prayer by us all). Still I felt no fear. I knew he was safe. I was safe. 

How supported I felt and held in encouragement in every moment of pregnancy, labor and birth is what brings me here to walk alongside you. 

I felt heard and I want you to feel heard.

I felt seen and I want you to feel seen.

I felt safe and i want you to feel safe.